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What happens if earwax is not removed?

If earwax is not removed, it can build up and cause a range of symptoms and complications. Some of the most common symptoms of impacted earwax (when the wax becomes tightly packed in the ear canal) include:

  1. Earache
  2. Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear)
  3. Hearing loss or muffled hearing
  4. Dizziness or vertigo
  5. Itching or discharge from the ear
  6. Coughing or a reflex to clear the throat

If left untreated, impacted earwax can lead to more serious complications such as infection, inflammation, or even damage to the eardrum or other parts of the ear. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of the symptoms above or if you are concerned about your ears. We can help determine the best course of ear wax removal treatment based on your individual needs.